From Routine to Red!!!

Had to brush up the design of the blog today.  Seems I'm tired of the mundane.  ;)

What do you think?

I wish I was a talented photographer; I see so many terrific pictures of every day things online, but I guess one has to start somewhere.  I barely get a good picture out of a "point and shoot" camera and this monster we have is a little beyond point and shoot.  I think it probably pays to snap and snap and snap many times a day to discover what works, etc.

I currently love red.  If I have a choice about any purchase for my kitchen, it will undoubtedly be red.  This is a wee taste of the red things I found around the house.

Ha ha, just looked up "red personality" and it is defined as this:

"Red personalities generally live up to their name; independent, dominant, feisty, outspoken, goal-orientated, risk-taker, efficient, persistent. A self-starter who enjoys a challenge and loves solving problems! They are likely to be pilots, politicians, CEO's or managing directors of firms, lawyers, military leaders etc etc."

Hmm, a military leader?  My boys might say so when it comes to getting chores done!

Anyway, good fun for a Saturday afternoon! 

Hope you enjoy the new design!


  1. Lookin' mighty fine to me! I also love red. It's rich and full of life and warmth and energy. Perfect for a cook in a kitchen!

  2. Love the new design! nice choice.

  3. Thanks girls! Yes, the life, warmth, energy - I think that is what I'm most drawn to. Anyway, fun to play with!


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